New Vocabularies: Communication, Punctual, Grant, Abroad, Scared, Pour, Far away, At a loss, Salutation, Contain, Sort, Fair, Suitable.


ARSHI’S LETTER Look at different ways of written communication given below. Then, in pairs/groups name them.

লিখিত যোগাযোগের বিভিন্ন মাধ্যমগুলো নিচে দেয়া হলো। জোড়ায়/দলে এদের নাম লেখ ।

Sample of a letter, application, email, and text message



Now in pairs/groups, ask and answer the following questions:

a. Have you ever written an application, letter, or email?

b. Do you send and receive text messages on your phone?

c. Do you use the same words and style when you write an application to your headteacher or text your friend?

Read the following email that Arshi has written to her headteacher, Mrs. Gulshan.

নিচে প্রধান শিক্ষক মিসেস গুলশান এর কাছে লেখা আরশির ই-মেইলটি পড়ো।

Arshi is in Class VI. She is punctual and never misses a class. But she cannot go to school today. Her mother is unwell. Her mother is in bed with a severe fever. She is worried. She can’t decide what she will do. Finally, she decides to inform her headteacher of her mother’s condition and request for herself a leave of absence. ARSHI’S LETTER

Here is what she has written:

Hello Madam,

Assalamu Alaikum. I am Arshi, a student of class VI. My mother is unwell. My father is abroad for work. I’m alone. Nobody is around to help us.

A doctor came to see my mother yesterday. He told me something that made me scared. He told me that she seemed to have Covid symptoms.

He asked me to keep my mask on and to keep away from my dear mother. But who will give her medicine? Who will pour water on herforehead when it is too hot? Who will feed her? Our neighbours are afraid. Our relatives live far away. I am at a loss and cannot think properly.
I miss my classes. I miss my friends. Please forgive me, Madam. ARSHI’S LETTER
Arshi Zaman,
Class Six, Roll-03

Read the email again and then in pairs/groups match the words and phrases with their meanings:

ই-মেইলটি আবার পড়ো তারপর জোড়ায়/দলে শব্দ এবং শব্দগুচ্ছের অর্থ মিলাও। ARSHI’S LETTER

a. WorriedBecome afraid
b. AbroadTo give water
c. ScaredNot near
d. Pour waterFeeling troubled or upset about something
e. ForeheadBecome puzzled and don’t know what to do
f. Far awayA foreign country
g. At a lossThe part of the face above the eyebrows

In pairs/groups, read the following note given in the box. Then read the email again, and identify the ‘greetings’ ‘body’ and ‘closing remarks’ of the email.

জোড়ায়/দলে নিচের Note টি পড়ো। তারপর ই-মেইলটি আবার পড়ো এবং ই-মেইলটির Greetings, Body এবং Closing Remarks টি চিহ্নিত করো। ARSHI’S LETTER

‘Greetings’ are words that we write at the beginning of a letter or email to address a person. It’s also called ‘Salutation’. For example, If you write to your friend you can use hello, dear, dear friend, Hey there, etc. If you write to your teacher you can use ‘Dear madam/sir’. So, which greetings you will use depends on your relationship with the receivers. ARSHI’S LETTER
‘Body’ contains the message of a letter or email. It should be simple, clear, and direct. The language of the body can be formal or informal. Again, it depends upon your relationship with the receivers.
Closing remarks:
‘Closing remarks’ are expressions that come at the end of the letter/email. It is a polite way to end your message. We write the closing remarks right before our name. The common closing remarks are sincerely yours, love, best, kind regards, etc. Like greetings and body, which closing remarks you will use depends on your relationship with the receivers. ARSHI’S LETTER

Read the greetings and closing remarks given below. Now in pairs, sort the greetings and the closing remarks for the given situations in the box below. One is done for you.

নিচে দেয়া অভিবাদন (Greetings) এবং Closing Remarks গুলো পড়ো। এখন অবস্থা অনুযায়ী অভিবাদন ও Closing Remarks গুলো বাছাই করো। একটি উদাহরণ তোমার জন্য করে দেয়া হলো।

Dear Sir/Madam, Best regards, Hi Rupa, Best wishes, Hello Friend, Cheers, Dear Mr. Chowdhury, Sincerely Yours, All the best, Best, Hi there, Yours obediently, Regs, Your friend, Love, Yours, Yours truly, Bye. ARSHI’S LETTER

When you write a letter/email to your friendWhen you write a formal letter/ email to your senior or teacher
Closing remarksGreetingsClosing
Hi Rupa!Your friend,Dear Madam/Sir,Yours truly,

Now read the following email from Tamanna to her friend Raisa. Then, in pairs underline the informal words and expressions. One is done for you.

বন্ধু রাইসার কাছে লেখা তামান্নার ই-মেইলটি পড়ো। তারপর জোড়ায় Informal Words এবং Expressions গুলোর নিচে দাগ দাও। একটি উত্তর তোমার জন্য করে দেয়া হলো।

Hi Raisa! (This greeting is informal)

How are you? I didn’t see you at school yesterday. I called your mother’s mobile number but the phone was switched off. Is everything OK? Please let me know. ARSHI’S LETTER

Take care.



Now in pairs/groups read Arshi’s email again and underline all the informal words and expressions she used. And then, rewrite the email using appropriate greetings, closing remarks, and formal language in the body.

জোড়ায়/দলে আরশির ই-মেইলটি আরেকবার পড়ো। তার ব্যবহৃত সব Informal Words এবং Expressions গুলোর নীচে দাগ দাও। এবং তারপর সঠিক অভিবাদন, Closing Remarks এবং Formal Language ব্যবহার করে ই-মেইলটি আবার লেখ।

Hello Madam,
Assalamu Alaikum. I am Arshi, a student of class VI. My mother is unwell. My father is abroad for work. I’m alone. Nobody is around to help us.
A doctor came to see my mother yesterday. He told me something that made me scared. He told me that she seemed to have Covid symptoms. He asked me to keep my mask on and to keep away from my dear mother. But who will give her medicine? Who will pour water on her forehead when it is too hot? Who will feed her? Our neighbours are afraid. Our relatives live far away. I am at a loss and cannot think properly.
I miss classes. I miss my friends. Please forgive me, Madam.
Arshi Zaman,
Class Six, Roll-03

Now, in groups/pairs, write an invitation letter to participate in a book fair/science fair, or Boishakhi fair that your school is going to organise or you can choose any suitable topic.

For writing the invitation letter, first, choose one of the written communication ways (email, informal letter, or formal letter). And then, decide who will be the receiver. In writing, the focus should be on the topic, receiver, greeting, and closing remarks. Now, it’s time to write, and when your group will finish writing, share it with the class, and then send it to the receiver.

দলে/জোড়ায় (তোমার বিদ্যালয় কর্তৃক আয়োজিত হতে যাচ্ছে) বিজ্ঞান মেলা/বৈশাখী মেলায় অংশ গ্রহনের জন্য একটি আমন্ত্রণপত্র লেখ। অথবা তুমি যে কোন উপযুক্ত বিষয় পছন্দ করতে পারো। আমন্ত্রণপত্রটি লেখার জন্য প্রথমে লিখিত যোগাযোগের যে কোন একটি মাধ্যম পছন্দ করতে হবে (যেমন-Email Informal Letter, Formal Letter) তারপর সিদ্ধান্ত নাও গ্রহণকারী কে হবেন। লেখার ক্ষেত্রে মূল Focus থাকবে বিষয়বস্তু, গ্রহণকারী, অভিবাদন এবং Closing Remarks এর উপরে।

এখন সময় লেখার এবং একদলের লেখা শেষ হলে এটাকে শ্রেণিতে Share করো তারপর গ্রহণকারীর নিকট প্রেরণ করো।

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